Welcome to Magic Rugs
Magic, From Our Home to Yours —
We believe handmade items are special. Our goal is to inspire an appreciation of the ancient art of weaving and other traditional handicrafts. Our family has been practicing heritage weaving for over 400 years, and supporting us helps support Syrian refugees.
We are a small, family-owned business. Our products are made by us, and we are committed to fair trade policies and fair wages.
It was Love at First Weave…
A chance encounter in 2019 brought together two weavers.
Mahmoud grew up in Aleppo, Syria, and comes from a long line of weavers. He learned the craft from a young age and looks forward to someday teaching his toddler daughter to weave.
Alyssa is a native Texan who has been weaving since 2018. She also knits, crochets, and sews. Alyssa and Mahmoud met in Dubai in 2019, bonded over weaving, fell in love, got married, and have a beautiful daughter.
November 28 - December 1
Canton First Monday Trade Days
The Arbors II, next to the food court
Canton, TX
December 6-8
Home For the Holidays Gift Market
Fort Bend County Fairgrounds
Rosenberg, TX
January 2-5
Canton First Monday Trade Days
The Arbors II, next to the food court
Canton, TX
Upcoming Events

We believe rugs are special. Handmade items are made with magic.